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Gesucht wurde Bokoros Christos Th., MEDIENART alle Medien, SORTIERUNG ID, aufsteigend  1 Treffer

 Hinweise zum Copyright und ServiceAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -   VOLLTEXTSUCHE nach Bokoros Christos Th

  • Odos Eleftherias - Freedom Street
Verlag Jahr
  • 59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • In the context of a continuous and persistent spiritual quest in the field of Greek art and its history, the artist Christos Bokoros appears —through simple themes and earthy, warm materials— to win an important battle. He has silently found a subtle and significant way of stripping bare certain symbols—his own ‘signs’: a way of isolating those symbols from anything unnecessary and superfluous, and of drawing the community’s attention to them by revealing them to be purified, resurrectional and full of fire.
    Through the presentation of a series of paintings entitled ‘ODOS ELEFTHERIAS’, Bokoros ventures a direct discourse of these ‘signs’ with buildings and streets that are adjacent to, or end up at, Lefkosia’s Green Line. Many of these buildings have suffered damages and decay. One could say that in their own way they constitute a second crevice near the Green Line that divides the state. It is in these fissures that the artist sets up - plants - his ‘ODOS ELEFTHERIAS’, in the hope of giving the city’s centre new fruits and joyous vibrations—in a silent and honest alliance with all the indigenous revitalizing forces
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