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Gesucht wurde Barth Deepti, MEDIENART alle Medien, SORTIERUNG ID, aufsteigend  1 Treffer

 Hinweise zum Copyright und ServiceAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -   VOLLTEXTSUCHE nach Barth Deepti

  • Transgression
Verlag Jahr
  • 59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Deepti Barth presents TRANSGRESSION at the home of the Cyprus Visual Artists Association (24.10.13–16.11.13), the Phytorio, located within the Nicosia Municipal Gardens and at the Office gallery, just a few metres from the Buffer Zone. The work explores issues of restriction.
    The material was shot and filmed in November of 2012 at the Nicosia International Airport. The lens follows the movement of a paraplegic Greek-Cypriot through this location: an area within the Buffer Zone controlled by the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in Cyprus. Photographs and video narrate the progression of the protagonist in a fragmented, often non-linear way, beginning on the runway, continuing on the uphill ramp of the terminal building. The paraplegic breaks though barbed wire and a locked entrance door, advancing through the corridors of the main building to reach what used to be a departure lounge – transgressing a decision that was taken by the UNFICYP six months before filming, to strictly prohibit access to the terminal building “for safety reasons” (sic).
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