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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • SONIC 2
Ort Land

  • 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    gefalteter und bedruckter Umschlag mit 24 diversen Einzelblättern unterschiedlicher Größe, 5 gefaltete Flyer und ein Heft
  • Programm des zweiten Sonic Circuses Projekts (12-stündiger Musikmarathon) - ein Festival zeitgenössischer New Zealand Music.
Stichwort / Schlagwort
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  • Selected works from 1990's
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • [32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
  • The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
    Text von der Webseite
Stichwort / Schlagwort
Erworben bei Aaron Fabian


Groh Klaus: DADALAND, 1977

Ort Land

  • 41 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Skript auf blauem Papier, geklammert
  • Zur Erstsendung am 05.11.1977 beim NDR, Hörspielredaktion, Leitung Heinz Hostnik
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Schill Ruedi, Hrsg.: Audio Art, 1978

  • Audio Art
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Drtahtheftung, beigelgt gefaltetes Blatt
  • Katalog entstanden anlässlich einer Präsentation von Audio Art bei Apropos im März/April 1978 in Luzern. Mit einem Text von Richard Kostelanetz, Audio Art - ein Manifest, ursprünglich erschienen im März 1977 in Soho Weekly News, New York. Alle Künstler*iinen sind mit Schwarz-Weiß-Porträts vorgestellt.
    Beilage kopiertes Blatt von S.R.T. ciullini, firenze, mit einem Aufruf zur Beteiliung an Sound Recycling Terminal.
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  • Video Networks, April 1983

  • 8 S., 28x21.5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    4 Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, mit Anmeldezettel für das San Francisco Video Festival 1983
Stichwort / Schlagwort

Malone Anthony (Marafioti Martin): For Everard Vol. 1-11, 2013 ab


Malone Anthony (Marafioti Martin): For Everard Vol. 1-11, 2013 ab

  • For Everard Vol. 1-11
Verlag Jahr

  • [12-16] S., 20,6x13,5 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, 12 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    11 Hefte, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserkopien, Drahtheftung, Aufkleber
  • About the series:
    The For Everard zine series chronicles the 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths, combining archival research with imagined narratives to re-focus attention to obscured histories. The series explores the media coverage of the subsequent investigation of the fire, and the lives of the nine men who perished. The zines bring together photographic images with primary news sources, as well as personal anecdotes collected from eyewitness testimonials.
    About the individual zines:
    For Everard, Vol. 1, 2013, ed. 100 (nr. 65)
    This zine chronicles the May 25, 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths and the media coverage of the subsequent investigation.
    For Everard, Vol. 2 (Bloodbrothers), 2013, ed. 100 (Nr. 81)
    In the second volume of his series chronicling the 1977 fire at New York’s Everard Baths, Anthony Malone focuses on Bellevue Hospital’s blood drive for the victims of the great bathhouse tragedy. Malone draws parallels between the 1977 restrictions placed on gay men for donating blood to their “brothers” and current FDA guidelines that indefinitely defer donations from men who have had sex with men since 1977. This black and white photocopied zine (ed 100) juxtaposes archival images, news clippings, and just a touch of fantasy.
    For Everard, Vol. 3 (Remembering Jimmy), 2015, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
    Volume 3 of the series, For Everard is dedicated to the memory of Jimmy Stuard, who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Stuard was a rising star in the disco music scene. He spun records first at Boston’s 1270 Club, and later at New York’s 12 West, where he inspired an entire generation of musical artists and DJs. In this particular volume, Anthony Malone assembles images and archival texts that serve as a tribute to the great Jimmy Stuard.
    For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show), 2016, ed. 100 (Nr. 62)
    For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show) is a tribute to Kenneth Hill, one of the nine men who died in the devastating fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Kenn played a vital role in the East Village/Lower East side countercultural movement in the late ‘60s and 1970s. He was a hippie, a bar tender at Phebe’s (a watering hole and salon for the experimental theater community in the 1970s), one of the founders of the Old Reliable Theatre Tavern, House Manager at La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, and a photographer. This zine celebrates Kenneth Hill by collaging archival documents with personal artifacts and pictures of Kenn from meaningful moments in his life.
    For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 95)
    For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man) assembles images and stories from the life of Ira Landau, a gifted and dedicated teacher who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Ira left behind a devoted family (his mother, brother, niece, and lover) and is still greatly missed by his loved ones. This zine is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of a remarkable man who served in the Peace Corps and committed himself to educating young minds both abroad (in the Middle East) and at home in the US. It contains family photos and personal images generously contributed by Ira’s niece.
    For Everard, Vol. 6 (Yosef’s Song), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
    Volume 6 of the series For Everard celebrates the life of a remarkable musical prodigy, Yosef Synovec. This zine tells the story of a young man with great aspirations who emigrated to the United States from Czechoslovakia to study classical violin. In 1976, Holly Woodlawn overheard Synovec vocalizing as he was painting the bathroom of his East Village apartment, and determined on the spot that she had discovered an emerging star. As a singer, Synovec used his extreme vocal range to imitate the voice and persona of Peruvian diva Yma Sumac. He performed Sumac’s exotic musical numbers at several New York City cabarets and show venues. Sadly, on May 25, 1977, Yosef perished in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths.
    For Everard, Vol. 7 (Tony from the Bronx), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 86)
    This zine brings together images and stories from the life of Tony Calarco, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Tony was only 26 when he died. He lived with his parents and siblings in a modest house in the Bronx. He had recently graduated from college and was working as a social worker in New York city at the time of his death. Tony had aspirations to become a lawyer and was scheduled to begin law school in September of 1977. This zine celebrates Tony Calarco’s memory through photos of Tony, artifacts from his high school and college years, and recent photographs of his home and final resting place.
    For Everard, Vol. 8 (Looking for Amado), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.84)
    Amado Alamo, a young man only 17 years old, lost his life in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. In Volume 8 of For Everard, Anthony Malone documents his search for the identity of the youngest victim of the Everard fire. The zine is an abstracted portrait of Alamo that assembles the few extant fragments of his story culled from newspaper articles and documentary sources glued together with the artist’s imagination.
    For Everard, Vol. 9 (Last Call), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.72)
    Life was difficult for Hillman Wesley Adams. He was born in Jacksonville FL in 1938. His mother died just a few months after his birth, and by the age of nine, he found himself in an orphanage with his older brother. Fast forward 30 years: Hillman moved to NYC, struggled to make ends meet while working on and off as a bartender, and he met his lover, Ralph, with whom he shared a modest apartment in New Jersey. On May 25, 1977, Hillman died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Vol. 9 of For Everard is an assemblage of newspaper articles and vintage photos chronicling the life and untimely death of Hillman Wesley Adams.
    For Everard, Vol. 10 (In Memoriam: Patrick Nott), 2018, ed. 100 (Nr. 64)
    Volume 10 of For Everard memorializes the life of Patrick Nott, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Nott, a native of Wales with a passion for theater, literature, and music, pursued a successful career in hairdressing. He fell in love with his pen pal (a young woman from Brooklyn) and after their marriage, they moved to New York City, where Nott worked at the Vidal Sassoon Salon. This zine weaves together elements from his story (shared with the artist by Patrick Nott’s wife), with photographs, newspaper clippings, and artifacts. It acts as a humble tribute, an “In Memoriam” for this greatly loved man.
    For Everard, Vol. 11 (Thunderbird), 2019, ed. 100 (Nr. 79)
    Brian Duffy was an aspiring artist. In 1966 he was accepted to Pratt Institute of Art and although he declined admission to the school, he seized the opportunity to move to NYC and start a new life for himself. In the city, he worked hard at various retail jobs and tried to break into the theater, but everything changed when he met the love of his life, Bradley. The couple moved to a “quieter life” in Boston. They worked in restaurants in the Back Bay area and created a community for themselves amongst their chosen family of friends. Volume 11 of For Everard celebrates the brief life of Brian Duffy, a young man who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. This zine compiles photographs and stories shared with Malone by Brian’s sister and dear friend.
    The pseudonym "Anthony Malone" comes from a novel by Andrew Holleran (Dancer from the Dance). In this novel, Malone is the protagonist and at the end he disappears. Some of his friends believe that he may have committed suicide, others feel that he may have run away from New York, while some say that they saw him at the Everard Baths on the night of the fire. I imagine that Malone survived the fire and he is now making books and zines telling the story of the tragedy.
Stichwort / Schlagwort
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  • Scott Williams - 2005 Adaline Kent Award Recipient

  • [16] S., 22,8x15,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Begleitheft anlässlich der Verleihung des Adaline Kent Preise im Jahre 2005 an Scott Williams.
    Seine Werke waren in diesem Zusammenhang vom 17.06.-30.07.2005 beim San Francisco Art Institute ausgestellt.
Erworben bei Booklyn


  • signal 04
Verlag Jahr

  • 180 S., 17,8x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781629631066
  • Highlights of the fourth volume of Signal include: Imaging Palestine: Rochelle Davis and Emma Murphy take a look at Palestinian Affairs, one of the PLO’s major publications, Fighting Fire with Water: Lincoln Cushing discusses the Bay Area Peace Navy’s large-scale visual interventions. The Walls Speak Even If the Media Is Silent: Tennessee Watson documents a project made in response to the violence in Juárez, Revolutionary Continuum: Jared Davidson cracks open New Zealand’s Kotare Trust Poster Archive, Kommune 1: Michael McCanne teases out the early years of West Germany’s militant counterculture, Illustrating the 3rd World: Josh MacPhee interviews Max Karl Winkler, book cover designer for Three Continents Press, Dynamic Collectivity: Ryan Hayes traces the history of Toronto’s Punchclock Printing Collective
    Text von der Website.

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